
Hello board members! First post here. I’m 69 years old, retired for 10 years and always wanted to explore 3D printing. Picked up a free Sovol SV07. It works, but not perfectly. Search the internet, YouTube etc. Guy who gave it to me suggested I join this forum. So, here I am. I’m sure I will have a lot of questions down the road, let’s start with this one. I’m trying to be sure my printer is finding home. I have checked YouTube, internet, and here. I can follow the manual and suggestions of how to set home position, but how do I save my changed settings and how can I confirm I’m at 100% at the home position. I want the do this because when I was trying to level and the head moves and reaches it maximum position, left or right and then just grinds momentarily. I understand this units stepper motors do not have limit switches. I apologize if I am not using the correct terminology to describe my problems. I welcome any and all comments and suggestions. Feel free, you won’t insult me, I’m trying to learn. Thank you………Lee