Purchased an SV08, set it up yesterday, printed a test print (funnel) yesterday in PLA fine.
This is my 4th 3D printer. I print dozens of the same item in TPU on my Tronxy X5SA DD just fine. Was hoping to be able to do the same on this printer, but not so much. My Chirons will print it, but not as good as the Tronxy.
The TPU is jamming up in the extruder, but I don’t realize it right off, until I notice that it’s printing in air and nothing coming out any more. I have not yet tried to slice this with Cura, but that may be my next step, as that’s what I’ve used for all my other printers. Just didn’t want to spend time getting the printer profile set up in there, or if it’s even available at this time…
Anyone had this happen and know why? See picture of filament:
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I did print TPU/TPC with the sv08 without any issue.
What shore are you using ?
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98A. I slowed it down and was successful with one 15 hr print.
I’ve done the extruder gear fix and the PTFE tube replacement, and will be trying another print a bit faster today. Just finished putting it all back together.
Well, the mods did not help. Even though I was able to print one entire piece last night, it failed twice today with the same settings. I’m frustrated, to say the least.
I’ll keep working through it, but I’m hoping that I can make this work.
Maybe I need to try Cura to slice the file and see if that will work.
Are there any printer profiles for the SV08 for Cura that anyone knows of?
We’re doing our best.
We are not part of Sovol staff and don’t own all the printers.
So we can simply point out ideas and, if that’s not enough, you advise to contact Sovol directly.
Sorry if we don’t have answers to all the questions and can’t help you any more.

Yeah, I understand that. I was just replying to let others who offered suggestions know what I’d done and that it was not successful.
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are you using the default sv08 profiles sovol provided for the orcaslicer that shipped with the sv08 or maybe some updated ones that came with a freshly downloaded newest orcaslicer ?
With TPU the print speed drops significantly because the flow rate is much lower (it needs time to harden again)
Also with TPU I usually also create a large Brim or even a Raft because it is prone to warp and work itself loose from the build plate.
I have tried the SV08 profile that was in my current Orca 2.2. I’m a Cura user so not sure how to load the profile off the USB into my current Orca and the instructions do not match what I get when I follow them, so I did not load the ones that came with the printer.
I’ve also tried several modifications to the profile that usually work fine with my 3 other printers when I had issues with TPU. I’m printing at 80mm/s on my Tronxy DD, but only at 30-50 on the SV08 and still have issues. I slowed it down to 30 pretty much across the board and am going to try that today.
I don’t have any issues with it sticking to the build plate at all, so that’s not an issue.
The printer simply stops extruding at about layer 3-5.
Have you already sent an email to info@sovol3d.com? If not, please send the above situation with videos and pictures and your order number, and we will check with the engineers asap.
Yes, I have a ticket into tech support regarding issues printing with TPU and issues with loading filament.
I believe the ticket number is 66258 SV08.
Thank you
I never heard back from SOVOL support after this last message, HOWEVER, I’ve since slowed MANY settings down and it’s at least printing the TPU 98A. It’s definitely slower than I had hoped, but it’s working.
I’m gradually increasing the speed on small TPU prints to see how far I can go before I break it…
These are my current settings, for anyone who wants to try them:
your “slowed down” settings are the upper limit for tpu printing. also your temps are weird. your first layer is 30 degrees LOWER than the rest of the layers? and for some reason you lowered your fan speed? tpu wants more cooling.
the fastest speed you can print tpu comfortably on the sv08 is 50mm/s, you should be printing at around 35 for best results. the extruder isn’t the best for tpu
this does explain why you were having such a hard time, next time share your settings first
I’ve printed quite a lot of TPU over the past year or two and have printed at 60-80mm/s on the Tronxy X5SA direct drive almost regularly, and also now have printed Overture HS 95A TPU at 80-90 mm/s successfully on the SV08, just under 9 hours. Yes, the temp was wrong in that image, it’s now at 230/230. I took that screen shot before I realized it was wrong. This (image below) was printed at 80-90 mm/s in HS 95A TPU. It is two halves of a 280mm wheel tread (each printed separately). I’ve printed 5 sets of these now (mostly on the Tronxy), taking 9-14 hours per half depending on the printer and quality. I’m pretty happy with my settings at this point.