Looking for some help

  1. Check the cabling of heater & thermistor at each heat block. There might be missing insulation / short circuits.
  2. Ensure that both nozzles are heating up when 200°C nozzle temperatures are set via menu. In case of missing heat-up use a multimeter iot check if heater voltage is present. In case of voltage present & no heat-up you’ll need to replace the heater module. In case of missing heater voltage: Check cable connection between heater and motherboard. If there is no heater voltage present on motherboard: Motherboard replacement/repair needed.
  3. In case of heat-up before the error shows up run PID-tuning.
  4. In case the error shows up during PID tuning: Check cable connection between thermistor and motherboard. If cabling is ok: Use a multimeter iot to check if there is a significant difference between electrical resistance of the thermistor & thermistor specification chart. In case of huge difference: Replace thermistor.
    Here you’ll find helpful information about pin layout of motherboard & gantry boards.

Good luck!