After the printing is paused, the nozzle will automatically lift up a layer when resuming printing to avoid collision between the nozzle and the printed model. The wall thickness of the small model has no filling layer, so the gap is more obvious.
Is this gap only seen in small models? Does the same gap appear when printing large-size models?
So are they saying RESUME does not allow for this?
I’ve noticed that any time I’ve paused a print or had a filament run out, I always get a bad layer line at that point in the print (especially noticeable for larger prints). Now reading that the nozzle is shifted up a full layer instead of resuming, I want to dig into the files and figure out how they’re doing this via the resume function as none of my other printers ever did something like that.
I’ll follow-up with my findings, as it’s been very frustrating to have those layer lines between pause events or filament swaps.
Try a Load Filament just before Resume. Clean off the ozze then actually ask for Resume.
You may have to say Cancel on the small supplied display to get to Unload fil and Load fil after cancel this it should go back the Resume option even through we ask for cancel.
Do a test on a small 10mm cube and see.
If I remember Pause move nozzle up is in printer.cfg And Macro.cfg