I have an SV01 Pro, and when I run out of filament, or manually pause my printer and resume printing it always offsets by a few millimeters on the Y axis ruining the whole print, no matter how many times I pause it, when I resume, it will always offset the print, any help?
hi @ThR4z0r Sorry to read that, I’ve submitted a request for a consultation with engineers, and I’ll keep you updated if I hear any updates from them. Please be patient because it may take them some time to read the tickets as they are on their New Year’s holiday. I hope you can find a solution here asap with the help of community members.
I have a similar problem on the SV06. After pause, printhead returns to a position a few mm forward on the y axis, resulting in spaghetti from that point on. Even with a super short pause to insert a bearing or coin into a print. Will be following for an update, hopefully soon.
@treads @ThR4z0r sorry for the late response. This could be due to an insufficient temperature when restarting the printer. In this case, pls preheat the bed and nozzle to appropriate temps and then restart the painting.
Another thing worth trying is to reflash the firmware and then test with a sample after leveling the bed.
Firmware Downlaod: SV01 Pro V1.2.0.rar - Google Drive
Firmware flash video tutorial: How to flash firmware for SOVOL SV01 PRO& Sovol SV06( Mainboard Firmware Needed Only) 3D Printer - YouTube
Leveling tutorial: Bed Leveling Guide for Sovol SV01 Pro 3D Printer, more silent and quicker auto bed leveling! - YouTube
If the methods don’t work, could you pls provide a photo of the shifted layer for a further look? THX