Hi guys, I’m new to 3D printing and don’t know if there’s something similar here, but didnt found.
I have printed 8 similar parts before, and it was working fine, after adjusting the dimensions a few times I found this issue:
The issue is: after the first ironing (lower base) it stopped extruding. If I remove the fillament and cut a few, it works again. Removing the ironing from g-code it still works. It looks like it’s clogging due to the process of ironing, I want to know if there’s some tips to avoid it, or should I just give up of ironing?
Note: I’m printing with PLA; bed Temp = 60°C ; Nozzle temp = 215°C (tried with 220°C and with 190°C). All gears and nozzle are ok (I have printed only a few after buying the printer, but have checked and changed the nozzle once)
Check your Z-Offset, I think you might be too low.
Ironing rubs the nozzle on the print to smooth it out…my thought is…your too low & your pushing some cooler filament back into the nozzle…clogging the nozzle.
The “Top Surface layer” should be slightly under extruded by adjusting your Flow Rate to around 95% or 90% - if your Top Surface layer is slightly over extruding and you trying to Ironing on top of that there’s a pretty good chance it will just stall-out / Jam your nozzle cos the filament got nowhere to go-.
Ironing Speed should be set to 40mm/sec with a 10% flow rate as a “Base-Line” setting, the smaller the area is to be Ironed the slower you can Iron it, but if it a large area you really want to speed it up 60mm/sec+
Nozzle temp should be around 200deg mark for PLA+ Depending how fast your overall printing speed is, the problem with Ironing and a hot nozzle (210degs+) is its not extruding fast enough so you will start to cook the filament in the heat block which will swell the filament in the throat and Jam your Extruder-
so Ironing is one of those setting you really got to play around with and adjust the setting depending on the print,
its hard to give out advice on it because everyone has different opinion on it, soooo yeah