CoPrint and Purge Bucket

I just finished setting up a CoPrint multi-material head and setup on my machine. I would like to change from doing a purge tower to utilizing a purge bucket. I am assuming that first of all I need a purge bucket! :slight_smile: I am in the process of developing this in cad now. I am also thinking that I will need something for the nozzle to rub against to drop the purged filament. Also in development to attach to left side of flying gantry. So when the head is moved to the extreme back/left it will engage this and drop the filament. But I am unsure how to actually code a macro to do these steps. My plan was to:

  1. Move the head to the far left/back and write down the coordinates.
  2. start a macro to first move head to far left and far back + 20mm
  3. Change filament from β€œA” to β€œB”
  4. Purge ??? amount of filament
  5. slowly move the head back 20mm to engage the β€œScraper”
  6. Move head forward 20mm
  7. Continue print

Anyone have an idea if this will work? Or am I just better off doing purge tower?

I will certainly be including off bed purging in my Non Coprint upgraded SV08.

The main benefits of off bed purging are:

  1. Smaller print area required for purge tower, plus less lower scaffold type structure needed for models with more colours near the top.
  2. Printing of purge tower more consistent and therefore less risk of failures - due to gaps in extrusion not happening in the purge tower.

I would suggest focussing on purge objects too - with most of the purge going in to them, with just a little bit of inconsistent extrusion around the actual filament change going off bed.