Followed the directions in the manual. Loaded a sliced model for print, after having printed the provided calibration cube (which stuck so bad to the bed that it ripped off the bottom layer removing it).
Trammed, zoffset, bed leveled
The print started, the bed raised up into the gantry/print head, which drug across the bed and flat out ruined it.
Ordered another, from Creality which was overnighted. Haven’t touched it all day after posting this problem to a couple other places / forums (no responses yet).
What I don’t get, is it this style of printer? Is that there is no Z Endstop/Microswitch, like on my bedslinger, that effectively sets the Z zero point? Aka, if there were, and I had set it, it doesnt matter what happened software wise because when the Z, made contact with it, it would stop it from SLAMMING INTO THE PRINT HEAD.
Was so excited. Major Kudos to the design team for so many things about this printer. I absolutely love it. This obviously is the only thing I had an issue with. It upset me because I bought the printer to help with a huge project that I intend to get a lot done on vacation this week.
I’m a technologist. I fully take responsibility that this could be my error. Im just left struggling why, I see two other endstop micro’s on x and y, and none on z, which would’ve prevented this horrible experience.
Lastly, Cura profile? Please? I’ve a raspberry pi, don’t WANT to load another slicer sofftware especially when I use Cura for my other printer. Is there a reason why you can’t have your guy’s kick out a Cura profile?
Thanks, apologies for the rant. Was so excited about this printer. Still am, but scratching my head trying to figure out if I caused this, what I did wrong, and lastly, one last time for my sanity. Why wouldn’t there be a hard stop that the user can set, to prevent this kind of disaster.
Thank you, ahead of time, for listening.