Hi all, could someone tell me where I can find the original .stl file of the sovol SV08 bed leveling test ?
If it was on the USB, it is the 1st link…unless it’s just a Gcode file.
Ok, what the name of that file ? I didn’t see !
You can find all files here :
Btw, the SV08 wiki with all files, tips, tutorials, … is there :
Thanks to all for the information but I’m looking for the .stl file to print test without the z-axis calibration. The one with the 5 dots to be clear. I can’t find it anywhere. I had already searched in the indicated paths and also in the printer files. How will it print those dots during the “z leveling”?
Have you tried the macro _CALIBRATION_ZOFFSET ?
Exactly that.
At minute 5:23 of the video you can see that it selects “USB TE” which would be the test leveling print that I don’t have on my printer and can’t find anywhere. Can anyone tell me where I can find that test file?
Are you sure that this model is not directly printed by the z-calibration?
Yes it is. But I want to print by me like at video on youtube . Selected the file " usb te.slt "
USB-TE.gcode should be on the on the printer or the USB.
Have you put the USB in a computer to look in the folders…??
might be in your gcodes directory, among the other uploaded gcode files, but hidden because of its name starting with a dot.
It should be .zoffset_test.gcode
To render it permanently visible, you may want to copy or rename it to a different file name, which doesn’t start with a dot.
Found it, thanks a lot. It was in the gcode directory with name .zfset_test.gcode Hidden because of the leading dot.
I wonder if they hide it because only a replacement heat bed by a non-Sovol company may prevent PLA lifting at each end