AUTOHOME problem when the magnet plate is removed

When I removed the magnet plate after printing and set it to AUTOHOME, the Z-axis did not stop and crashed!

The X-axis and Y-axis automatically stop, but the Z-axis doesn’t?

The Z-axis seems to be stopped by a magnetic sensor, but I want it to stop when it touches the end like the X-axis and Y-axis!

I don’t understand your need.
Do you want to print without plate ?

It simply says that without the plate the detector no longer sees any metal part, the extruder continues to descend (which is logical)
Conclusion: do not do any home or adjustment without a PEI metal plate or other

In any case, it is impossible to print anything without a plate (glass or metal, even if in this case it’s mandatory in metal).

I understand that it is unnatural to do AUTOHOME after printing instead of before printing, and I never wanted to print without a plate.

The reason I want to do AUTOHOME after printing is to set the bed Y-axis to the neutral position after printing.

If the bed after printing is placed at the front, there is a risk of people or objects hitting it.

I will try to solve this problem by setting Cura’s End G-Code.

Why not just auto home after you replace the plate…??

There is no special reason why I should do AUTOHOME only when I remove the plate.