Hello, I’ve just gotten into the hobby and would like to switch to a 0.2mm nozzle on the SV06 Ace. The Orca slicer only has a profile for 0.4mm stored. I haven’t been able to find any other profiles so far, but I have read that the Z axis needs to be recalibrated. Is there an instruction somewhere on how to do that? Or is there a profile that you can follow?
You can create your own printer profile within OrcaSlicer and set the nozzle size in there.
You’ll also need to ensure you calculate min and max layer heights (Google will be your friend for these)
Then under the stock 0.2mm profile layer height profile, you’ll also need to calculate line width, I think it’s 110% nozzle size (again, google may be better to help)
The Z offset will be fine, it automatically sets this based on the nozzle itself, there is a pressure sensor where the nozzle is and it uses the nozzle itself to touch the bed for the pressure.
I’ve switched to a CHT volcano style nozzle, once it was fitted, it was a simple case of changing the slicer settings and hitting print
Welcome to the forum and have fun with the SV06 ACE!
I’m glad that Sovol decided to use Orca and not a “Sovol slicer”. Orca isn’t perfect but it’s very good.
Sorry for the German version of the pictures. I won’t switch it to English though. The last point in the printer selection is create printer. In the next window there is the point “Create nozzle for existing printer”. Then select the printer (SV06 ACE) and the desired nozzle. Done.
Of course, a new quality profile has to be created for the 0.2mm nozzle. This has already been explained.
Just wanted to share that someone submitted 0.2, 0.6, and 0.8 nozzle profiles to the OrcaSlicer Git repo. They’re not in a release yet, but you can grab them here. (I haven’t tried them myself yet, still waiting on a nozzle kit to ship, but hopefully this is helpful to others!)