SV06 - Swapped To .6 Nozzel - Slicer / Orca Settings?

I’ve got a couple of prints that I want to try a .6 nozzel with to increase my speed

Orca doesn’t have a built in profile for .6 so I duplicated the .4 profile and changed the extruder nozzel to .6 but I’m not seeing any difference in the speed of the print in Orca Slicer.

What settings do I need to change other than the nozzel size?

(Non-Klipper, SV06 high-speed Marlin Firmware)

Have you changed the printing speeds in the slicer profile?

I guess that’s what I’m looking for - what changes do I need to make going to a .6 nozzel from a .4

When you change the nozzle, you must redo the calibration to find the settings of your slicer (speed, temperature, retraction,…) .
I don’t remember if Orcaslicer has these kinds of incorporated possibilities otherwise you have to find calibration models.

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It has built in calibration models— I was hoping for a short cut. LOL!


Chep at Filament Fridays has some cool slicer settings and tips on how to do this. There are other resources as well. It will take some learning and experimenting to use a 0.6mm nozzle. The most important slicer setting on the SV06 is the “Retraction Distance” setting. It must be 0.5mm or less to prevent heat break clogging. The reason is that the extruder is right on top of the heat break. Extra retraction would push melted plastic right into the extruder.