The filament won’t extruder and I need help

There was a clog that I removed and now the filament won’t extrude here is a picture of that helps
edit I can provide an more info if needed

Is the circled area clean, not clogged up, you can get filament through…??

No the filament won’t go In that’s why I don’t know what to do

I don’t know what filament you were printing with, so if it’s was PLA or PETG heat up the hotend to 250*. Once it’s hot either do a filament purge or just turn the extruder knob to to remove anything in the nozzle. If that doesn’t pull the filament down into the nozzle, your going to have to use a cleaning rod. I think my Plus came with the cleaning wire, but here is a pic of a rod & a wire.

The rod is made to go through the extruder to the nozzle, the wire is mainly used to insert into the nozzle only.
With the nozzle still hot, try to push a piece of filament through the filament path into the extruder while turning the extruder knob on the front. Hopefully, this will pull the old old filament out & the new filament in.
If you happen to have a rod, just open the lever like in your pic & push the rod down the filament path until you push all the filament out of the nozzle.

I was printing with pla and I can’t get anything in that hole

Well, if that’s the case, you will have to replace the extruder.

What you can try is…
remove the nozzle…
remove the extruder from the mount…
try to push the small hex wrench that came with the printer through the heatbreak into filament path.

Ok I will try the second thing when I get home also is there a way to get the extruder on like a discount

You have some Sovol points from when you bought your printer, unless you already used them.

It was a gift so I don’t have any

So I got it to extrude but now it look like this

That’s good, you got it working…
Wash your plate, that’s why it’s not sticking.
Use hot water & dish soap (Dawn), if you have it use a pad like this:

After you wash & dry it off, wipe it down with some IPA to remove any moisture & try printing again.

Good luck.

Ok so I washed it with dawn soap and it is still making garbage it seems to be kinda consistent which where it makes garbage

That looks different then your previous pic, this looks like you might still have a partial clog or extrusion issues.
Set the Z-Axis to above 60mm…
then set the hotend temp 10* hotter then your printing with & do a purge of at least 300mm.
Then try printing again.

can you post a picture from the top of the extruder ?

There is a cloge on the picture you’ve posted. Clean the hole. I’ve marked the place where you need to clean.