SV06 ACE cad STEP/STL files


The SV06 has CAD/STL and other mechanical data available on . I like this a lot. For the SV06 ACE I’m unable to find them in the repository on . I’m also missing the PCB design files and BOM. Did anyone find these docs for the SV06 ACE?

@sovol3d , are you planning to update github with the same information that is online for the SV06 so we can enjoy the same open source nature with the SV06 ACE?

Welcome to the forum and have fun with the SV06 ACE.

Yes and no. Yes, the CAD data is available at the given GitHub address, but not in CAD format, but as drawings in PDF format. The dimensions are in the drawings. You can then build the printer or recreate it in 3D CAD. It’s not as convenient as with the SV06, but it’s not wrong either.


Thank you! I agree, it’s not wrong - but I’m looking for the missing information. For example the PCB + BOM and the missing dimensions (the PDF files refer to the CAD files for some information in almost every part). I’m hoping @sovol3d is planning to open source the ACE just like the SV06.

Surely, this printer is very recent, I guess the doc will evolve.

Unfortunately, I’m not as optimistic as mich0111. Not because Sovol doesn’t want it, but because Sovol buys the electronics for the printer from MKS and doesn’t have this information themselves. This became clear in another discussion, where we tried to switch the camera’s LED in the web interface.

I may be optimistic, but a few years ago, the Sovol wiki didn’t exist.
So they’re getting better.

I may also be optimistic - I think a part of the success of the SV06 was due to it being open. I found some of the STEP files already in the github repo for the firmware source ( ) - I think the only things that need to happen is to add the electronics and maybe some of the mechanics info + structure things a little more nicely (i.e. seperate STL files etc).


The SV06 still has the board from Creality and Creality itself has published it on GitHub. You can find a lot of MKS on GitHub, but not the customized hardware for the printer manufacturers. Maybe you should ask there?

The SV06 still has the board from Creality and Creality itself has published it on GitHub. You can find a lot of MKS on GitHub, but not the customized hardware for the printer manufacturers. Maybe you should ask there?

Thanks for that information - do you happen to know what board(s) are used in the SV06 ACE? Ofcourse, if Sovol purchases specific models from MKS, a reference to the MKS information is totally fine (for all of the control boards in the SV06 ACE).

The idea behind open sourcing a design, is to either point out what third party designs you used, or to publish the design. The value that Sovol can add to the SV06 ACE as it is now, is to do those things (as they did with the SV06).

Sovol has its own names printed on the board. I can’t say what the manufacturer calls these boards. I didn’t find these boards at MKS. There are detailed photos of the boards here.

Not yet. Because we collaborate with other company, so can’t full open source

Thank you! That explains :slight_smile: Do you plan to work with this other company to see if we can get the same level of open source as the earlier SV06?