I received my new Sovol SV06 about a week ago. I have been testing with the 3d Benchy, and all of them have come out very similar to this one. I noticed when I moved the x axis from 0 to 220mm it would stop for a fraction of a second near the middle of it’s travel. Sometimes the stopping point moved. I removed the stepper motor and did the same moved it from 0 to 220 and it did the same thing. Sometimes moving from 220 to 0 it skipped. I swapped one of the z axis motors and it did the same thing. I checked the other z axis motor and it did the same thing. Has anyone else noticed a problem like this? This is my second 3d printer, the first being a Prusa Mini+.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much
Hi Ronello,
There is a user group on FB that seems pretty active. Maybe someone there can help you out. Redirecting...
be well.
Thank you very much for the info. Have a pleasant day. 
Maybe caused by incorrect tension of the belt, drought bearing/lead, or loosened screw of coupling.
Check whether the belt of the X-axis is too loose or too tight. You can adjust the black adjustment wheel on the right side of the X-axis to adjust the tightness, and adjust it so that it can move normally without jamming.
Manually move the X-axis to see if it can move normally and if there is any stuck phenomenon; you can try to put a little lubricating oil on the optical axis and the bearing
Check whether the coupling of the screw rod that fixes the motor shaft and the screw of the T-nut are loose. Check the parts of the moving part of the X-axis to see if there is any damage. You can restore the factory settings
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What do you mean you removed the stepper motor?
A German reviewer on Youtube had a similar issue. Check the grub screw that attaches the pulley to the X stepper motor shaft, it’s probably loose.
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What I mean by removing the stepper motor is, I removed the pulley from the stepper motor, then removed the stepper motor from the frame and ran the X axis from 0 to 200 mm to see if the stepper motor was actually skipping. I noticed yesterday that the y axis stepper motor is doing the same thing. I am going to check the voltage going to the stepper motors, because the x axis motor is so hot I cannot hold my hand on it.
Thank you for your reply 
removed the stepper motor from the frame and ran the X axis from 0 to 200 mm to see if the stepper motor was actually skipping
So you moved x from 0 → 200 manually and found that it was not a smooth motion? Sorry, just looking for clarity, so people can help you.
No problem. Thank you for helping me to clarify that. I used the control on the display to move the stepper motor.
When you move the printhead manually, by hand, from X = 0 to X = 220, is the motion perfectly smooth? Do this repeatedly, 20 times at the least.
No. There is a point in the travel where it stops and starts again.
Does the stop
always occur at the same spot?
If you can find the source of the stop
, you’d be making progress on solving this problem.
Running the x axis back and forth across its 200mm travel, it is inconsistent where it stops. I have resigned my self to believe that you get what you pay for. Obviously this is a lemon. I have ordered a Bambu Lab X-1 Carbon and the SV 06 has a reserved space at the landfill. I really do appreciate you taking the time to help in troubleshooting the SV-06. Please know that your kindness shines a light in this sometimes dark world. 
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