SOVOL SVO8 Beep command, M300
Save this as M300.cfg as a text file
Then upload it to Klipper under Machine
M300 S Pitch P duration
A BIG Thank You to user: mime
BEEPNOTE I=1 DUR=200 FREQ=440 would produce a 440 Hz beep
REF: Beep on fixed frequency after upgrade to CAN | VORON Design
[gcode_macro M300]
# M300 S{pitch in hz} P{duration in ms}
{% set S = params.S|default(2000)|int %} ; Frequency in Hz. Default 2kHz.
{% set P = params.P|default(100)|int %} ; Duration/wait of each beep in ms. Default 100ms
SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0.8 CYCLE_TIME={ 1.0/S if S > 0 else 1 } ; Turn on beeper sound
G4 P{P} ; wait for duration
SET_PIN PIN=beeper VALUE=0 ; Turn off beeper sound
Add this to your printer.cfg file to include the M300.cfg file
[include M300.cfg]
To use it in Orcaslicer the End Gcode is, ( two tunes here with a request to play the second one when the Heat Bed reaches 32 degrees ) :-
M106 P3 S0; Turn OFF Exhaust Fan 100%; PLA allow doors to be closed but open top or for ABS totally closed. Use example PWM M106 P3 S128 = 50%
; Play Pink Panther
; M300 S pitch in hz P duration in ms
; PinkPanther
M300 S1244 P187
M300 S1318 P187
M300 S0 P750
M300 S1479 P187
M300 S1567 P187
M300 S0 P750
M300 S1244 P187
M300 S1318 P187
M300 S0 P93
M300 S1479 P187
M300 S1567 P187
M300 S0 P93
M300 S2093 P187
M300 S987 P187
M300 S0 P93
M300 S1244 P187
M300 S1318 P187
M300 S0 P93
M300 S987 P187
M300 S932 P750
M300 S0 P750
M300 S880 P93
M300 S1567 P93
M300 S1318 P93
M300 S1174 P93
M300 S1318 P750
;; Wait for Heat Bed to cool down to 32 C
;; Part removal Temperature
TEMPERATURE_WAIT SENSOR=“heater_bed” MAXIMUM=32 ; Wait till the Build Plate is cool enough to remove the 3D part. Wait until the given temperature sensor is at or above the supplied MINIMUM and/or at or below the supplied MAXIMUM.
M140 S0 ; make sure the bed is turned off.
; Play Indiana
; M300 S pitch in hz P duration in ms
; Indiana
M300 S1318 P240
M300 S0 P120
M300 S1396 P120
M300 S1567 P120
M300 S0 P120
M300 S2093 P960
M300 S0 P120
M300 S1174 P240
M300 S0 P120
M300 S1318 P120
M300 S1396 P960
M300 S0 P240
M300 S1567 P240
M300 S0 P120
M300 S880 P120
M300 S987 P120
M300 S0 P120
M300 S2793 P960
M300 S0 P240
M300 S880 P240
M300 S0 P120
M300 S987 P120
M300 S2093 P480
M300 S2349 P480
M300 S2637 P480