SOVOL SV04 won't boot

Good morning,
My Sovol SV04 now won’t boot, the progress bar stays at zero and the right hotend heats up constantly. I tried reinstalling the firmware, but there was only progress in the DWIN_SET on the screen, the firmware has no progress.
Can anyone help?

Could you explain exactly what happened when you updated the screen firmware?
Is there something on the screen?
Normally, when everything is correct, there’s just “End” that appears on the screen.
In addition, you should also update the motherboard firmware. The two work together.

the screen appears like this

I have already changed the power supply, although the voltage is ok.
Before updating the firmware, the progress bar was already at zero.

This flash is correct :

Which progress bar do you talk ? The print progress bar ?

this bar

Does anyone know of points where voltages can be measured to detect errors?

Did you flash both files, one for the printer & one for the screen…??

The 1st video is about flashing.

the printer is stuck on the bar, to fix it I tried to update both firmwares but the mainboard firmware remains stuck.

I need to know if there is a way to check where the problem is before having to buy another motherboard

One way to know if the motherboard is dead may be to flash it with the last firmware.

My 2 cents:

  1. Ensure that firmware & display software are matching.
  2. Ensure that the SD-card with the new firmware is formatted properly & not write protected.
  3. A successful update will be indicated by a changed file name of the firmware installation file from “firmware.bin” to “firmware.CUR”. In that case at least the MPU & its seven pins that drive the SD-card interface on your motherboard are still alive…

Here you’ll find a documentation of all SV04 pins & connections on the motherboard. Checking out for +5V & +3.3V should help. Additionally, you could connect your SV04 to a PC via USB-cable. This will bring sufficient power to boot up motherboard & run the display.

Good luck!

When I did my screen update for the new firmware it did not say how to format the SD card I know from experience of the sovol sv04 idex the SD card has to be formatted with the 4096 k block size to work I wound up spending 6 hours figuring this out while in the Forum it showed a picture but didn’t State the block size once I formatted it to that transferred the firmware been file to it and the D winds to the screen and I updated both at the same time it worked I hope this helps

You forgot to mention that the SD card must be less than 8GB (2 or 4GB is better).
For formatting, it seems to me that it’s FAT32.

I used a 8gb sd card using fat32 filesystem at block size 4096

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I’m wonder if 8gb it’s not too much but I don’t remember

Worked 4 me and it booted up fast

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