Retraction distance troubleshooting

Hello, I’m new to 3d printing and this is my first printer. I’m currently working on the retraction settings to eliminate stringing and the calibration tests went thru 1mm to 6mm. Stringing was present at all distances and I’m on the next set of calibration tests (4-9). I was wondering, isn’t this pretty high for this printer?..

The filament is 1.75 Polymaker pla pro printing at 220C and the retraction speed is still the default 30mm/s. Using Ultimaker Cura 5.4.0 as the slicer program.

Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

edit: my printer is the sv06 plus (originally posted under regular sv06 XD)

i suggest using this plugin if you dont have it already
Ultimaker Cura Marketplace.
and this wiki about it
Retract Tower · 5axes/Calibration-Shapes Wiki · GitHub.

follow what they say and see if you get any better results. I had no issues tuning mine using it.

edit: fyi my settings is 30mm/s and 0.5mm distance.

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