Replacement PEI Mat for SV06

Hi @sovol3d and @sovol3delger -

Is it possible to purchase additional magnetic PEI print plate mats for teh SV06? I’ve suffered my first slicer bug “Oh Crap” moment. I updated to Cura 5.2.1 and sliced a new project. After the first 3 layers, something went way off and the nozzle dropped to the print plats surface and started cutting through the surface material.

I found that SUNLU offers a 235x235 mat (with lower plate - which I don’t need), but I can’t locate one from Solvol.

Does Sovol offer PEI mats, or should I just grab the SUNLU for now?


Hi Tim,

I’m not actually affiliated with Sovol, I’m just a user like you. Seems stupid of me now choosing that username…


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The decisions we make early haunt us through life!


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Their online shop has the bed. Looks like it’ll ship from China, so I doubt you’d get it quickly.

That said, I’m pretty sure any PEI 235mm x 235mm sheets would work too (not the black Creality ones, but the ones that are actually sprint steel sheets) like this:

I haven’t needed to replace mine yet, but I was looking at these the other day just in case I damage something trying TPU & PETG.

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Thanks, @AdamByram - I’d seen that one on Amazon and liked the SUNLU better. Thanks for the link.

Weird that the SV06 plate didn’t show up in my search (only the SV04 or SV01 Glass). It doesn’t even show up under “FDM Parts” → “More…”.

I think I’ll try the SUNLU and report back and then order a few of teh Sovol mats after the New Year.

Merry Christmas!

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Because I have scratches on the PEI board, I had already gotten a replacement PEI plate from EE Bay. 235x235 both sides coated. Works well and has no white imprint.
Ali Fast has some too.

Thanks, @Jenss - do you remember the brand of your double-sided mats?

Merry Christmas!

in EEE Bay : PEI Druckplatte 235 - both sides
There was even a magnet sheet included.
for 33 European Eggs, Oh, I paid too much

Maybe this fits:

or look in Ali Eggspress :wink:

or anywhere else

Having a second plate can come in handy when you print more. The first print is done and you quickly change the plate. Then the new print can begin on the 2nd plate and in the meantime you can detach the parts from the 1st plate.

the dimensions are 235x235 mm

often sold as an End* 3 / 5 plate

I received the SUNLU kits today - they are heading back. They are non-metallic, so bed leveling fails immediately. After digging deeper, most of the others are also non-metallic.

Moral of the story - wait for the Sovol3D delivery and order the right stuff. :frowning_face:

One thought, Is there a way to adjust the inductance offset to account for the .5mm thickness of the SUNLU plate while attaching it to the SOVOL metallic plate? [EDIT] Yes, you can.

the sensor is inductive. this works with metal sheets. but not with glass plates.

I bought:
PEI Sheet Magnetic Flexible Heated Bed Plate

works fine and has two sides