I made a printable dust cover system for exposed rods!

If we are not printing special materials, instead of a big ugly enclosure, we just needed dust covers for the exposed rods, to prevent dust particles from mixing with the grease and entering the bearings.

I came up with a complete system of covers for all axes.

You can download the models here:

See video demo: Dust cover system for SOVOL SV06 Plus - YouTube


  • cover X = horizontal axis cover (321mm)
  • cover Y = cover exposed rods under bed (150mm)
  • cover Zbl = vertical axis cover bottom left (215mm)
  • cover zul = vertical axis cover upper left (202mm)
  • cover Zbr = vertical axis cover bottom right (215mm)
  • cover zur = vertical axis cover upper right (202mm)


I designed all six pieces to be printed vertically,
orient them the way they are shown here.
Just make sure to apply a big enough brim on the bottoms for good bed-adhesion.

I designed them to use the least amount of material, less than 200 grams in total. Most of the surfaces are made up of just two lines, which can be printed very quickly - thin but rigid enough because of their curved shapes.

Each axis cover can be printed in about 2 hours, the vertical axis covers 1+1 hours each side.

I used PETG for its durability, out of PLA it will be less flexible:

Layer height: 0.25
Walls: 0.8 (mostly doesn’t matter)
Infill: 20% (mostly doesn’t matter)
Brim: 4-8mm (except for “Zul” and “Zur”)
Support: NO!

Orientation: vertical, wider dimension along X axis (see attached print bed layout - but DO NOT PRINT THEM TOGETHER!)

It might be a good idea to slow down towards the top of the highest piece (“X v2”).

You can download the models here:

See video demo: Dust cover system for SOVOL SV06 Plus - YouTube


Very nice and thank you for sharing!

I just got my SVO6 Plus and am itching to start printing, but after seeing all the failures on this board, I am going to take my time and carefully assemble my printer.

It appears that loose screws may be a large problem and I plan on examining every connector and putting non-permanent Loctite on ever screw before attempting a print.