How do you install firmware upgrade

Down loaded and unzipped the 3 files for the 6-plus on to card.
But how do you install them?
I can put the microsd card into the slot but thought would check if that is OK.

Just bought the machine so just setting it up so do I need to install these before my first trial print?

Never had a printer before so its all ne to me!!!.


What firmware version is installed on your printer?
Maybe it’s not worth updating

I don’t recommend updating firmware unless you really need too, which you don’t, there are a lot of problems that can go wrong when updating firmware on these new boards and since you are new to all this i strongly advise against it… I’ve heard to many horror story’s of people destroying their printer before they even get a chance to use it, by thinking they need to flash their boards when they don’t.

The best way to learn is to get a Arduino Uno or Mega kit and learn some projects on that, that way you know your computer has all the right files and connections and you are familiar with flashing boards and basic coding skills-.

All the best-.

I agree with you on everything in your post, except that.
It’s a bit too much.
It’s not Armaggedon either

cool, there’s a few people i have spoken too that have tried to flash their boards without really knowing what they are doing, or how to fix it if something does go wrong, and they never recovered from it and had to bench their printers, i don’t want to be that person that bench’s some poor bastards printer, lol

(but i get what you mean it does sound a bit much)

all the best

edit - “be”

If you’re having problems flashing between different firmware versions then my advice is to connect a USB cable from the printer to a computer, and run a serial terminal program to monitor what’s going on.

The USB port on the printer is just a standard CH340 serial over USB interface - find and download/install the drivers for the CH340, then connect to the device from your terminal program (I just serial port mode of Putty) at 115200,8N1.

You will see diagnostic messages fly past as the device boots and tries to read the card with the firmware update.

In my case these messages allowed me to figure out what was happening - you cannot flash the same firmware image with the same filename more than once in a row - you will see a message saying something to that effect.

The solution is to obtain a copy of a slightly older firmware version, make sure the bin file is named differently to the last firmware you flashed, flash the older version (which should succeed) and then flash the newer version again.

You always need to alternate filenames and firmware versions when attempting to re-flash as both the filename and the version must differ from the previously flashed version for the flashing process to go through.

I have copies of both 1.1.4 and 1.1.5 so I was able to recover my printer after I initially thought I had bricked it, by simply downgrading it to 1.1.4 and then upgrading it to 1.1.5 again. (My printer originally came with 1.1.5 installed)