Error sending files to printer via WiFi

Up until recently I had no problem sending GCode to the printer via WiFi - recently though this has become a pain to complete.

I wondered if any of y’all had the same problem and how you managed to fix it.

In general, this points to a networking problem. The printer might not be on the network, or your machine might not be on the network.

To diagnose, you can try using the “ping” command with the ip address show in the dialog box.

  1. open a Terminal (Linux, macOS) or a powershell (Windows)
  2. on the command line, you can enter commands.
  3. try the command ‘ping’ (do not enter the quotes). Ignore the port number.
  4. if the command is successful, it will tell you that it got a reply (well, it will try more than one time, so it will be several replies.
  5. if it can NOT connect to the printer, it will say “timed out” or similar.
  6. if the command keeps on trying, stop it with Ctrl-C (hold down the Ctrl key, then press the ‘C’ key, release both keys.

I can confirm both printer and Orca running machine are both on the same WiFi network and the ping has been successful.

What happens if you open in a browser? This should show you the Mainsail Web interface.

If this works, you know something is up with Orca specifically.

If not, then it’s either your network setup or the software on the printer itself.

It opens the web interface. For the record, I can still upload and print from the Device tab in OrcaSlicer - so this, I think, points to a network setup.

What does port 80 stand for? In Orca I enter the IP address without a port for the Sovol printer.

That’s the port OrcaSlicer is trying to communicate with the printer.

I do the same as you - input the IP address of the printer by itself without a port number.

This happened to me one time on my ACE. I just shut down the ACE, rebooted my laptop…powered everything back on and all worked fine. I’m pretty sure just a burp in your network that caused a loss in connection between your printer and computer.

Ok. Have you checked for firewall issues on the machine running OrcaSlicer?

There is no firewall in place.