Constant level issues

It seems like everytime I go to print, my nozzle is further and further away from the bed. I can tram, auto level and all of that, immediately into a print that will fail. Check z offset and it’s high again. I can’t seem to find the cause. I’ve cleaned everything, checked for anything to be loose or over tight. Even with the auto tram feature on John’s firmware, I can make no changes but get different numbers 3-4 times. It’s so frustrating that’s it’s so inconsistent.

Do I understand that correctly? The Z offset value is not saved?
Then I would flash the firmware. I use Björn’s firmware. The values ​​are saved for me.

The auto tram is not better than aux but th z offset is the offset touch sensor to nozzle.

So is the problem the bed or the printhead with the sensor.

Check this with home z … test heat … home …moove up… home… and check the offset…
If this is ok you can go to the leveling.

I had this a year ago my ender3 … final i found the z cuppler on the motor shaft was not tight and moves up a little… and down while probing or less while printing