0.8 nozzle blobs


After switching to a 0.8mm nozzle, I’m getting a lot of blobs on my prints.
I’m using Prusa slicer with the latest BETA-profiles for the Sovol SV06 PLUS.
Any ideas as how to reduce the blobbing -or- any stable 0.8 nozzle Prusa profiles; I could try out.

Tips, Ideas and Input highly appreciated :slight_smile:

Kind Regards / Alex

Maybe wet filament ou too hot temperature.

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I switched from SOVOL filament to a dry PRUSA roll, and the results were definitely improved. The solution that really solved the problem for me was this tutorial:

The blobs are caused by the Power-Off Recovery feature that cannot be disabled on the Sovol SV06 PLUS. The nozzle is continuously (micro)pausing causing blobs. This is due to data traffic to -&- from the micro-SD card. Its all explained in the video. The solution is a g-code file that can be downloaded from the description to the video. The g-code file temporarily deactivates the Power-Off Recovery feature on the printer allowing you to print blob-free. In the attached image, I reprinted a test-wall with the same (wet) SOVOL filament and despite sub-optimal conditions the results were much better thanks to switching OFF the Power-Off Recovery feature.

Hope this helps someone else.

Cheers / Alex

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