Silicone Cover

Hi. I am very happy with my SV06Plus. Can someone please tell me where to buy the silicone heater block cover? Thx

Probably directly at sovol :

You should ask them.

ask sovol customer support.

silicone socks are now available to purchase on sovol’s website. at least we dont need to contact support anymore.

Thanks, just picked up a set for the SV06 Plus.

Commandé hier aussi au cas où il y a problème en démontant une buse et pour la maintenance

Ack! Almost $30 CDN for 5 covers, shipping to Canada…

12 $ US les 5 pièces en France et livraison gratuite

Socks came over the weekend, didn’t pick them up till today.
The corner for the thermistor & heater wires is pre-cut, so we don’t have to do this anymore.