PEI Clean the print bed with hydrochloric acid

Does anyone have experience with cleaning the print bed of Sovol sv06 Plus? PETG sticks there
I have already tried:

  • acetone
  • Scraping with plastic spatula

    All of this didn’t help and I asked myself whether hydrochloric acid would work for cleaning. I thought that the PEI print bed should theoretically be able to withstand 35% hydrochloric acid but the PETG remains are not. Can anyone give me their opinion on this or suggest better ideas before I try this
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I just use soapy water and, when the bed is dry, isopropyl alcohol.

Wipe some IPA on the spot you want to clean.
Put a small towel over the the spot & pour more IPA soaking the towel.
Let that soak for an hour. Remove the towel & try to scrape off. Repeat if necessary.

I’ve been told…never tried it…that putting the plate in the freezer for a few hours works.