Is SV06 All Metal Planetary Direct Drive Extruder Complete?

@sovol3d - I would like to purchase a pair of the SV06 All Metal Planetary Direct Drive Extruder kits so that I can preinstall different nozzles for different job types. This will prevent me from constantly removing and replacing nozzles on my existing Extruder assembly.

Is the kit as supplied a full replacement for the existing assembly? In other words, can I simply unplug the ribbon cable, remove the 3 screws, swap assemblies, replace the screws and the ribbon cable without the need for additional parts?


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Hi @Timpraetor As what’ve I’ve been informed, yes. The kit is a full replacement for the existing assembly that you could simply unplug, swap, and replace without the need for additional parts.

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My secondary extruder assembly arrived today, so I can now keep my 0.6 and 0.2 nozzles engaged and just swap tool heads.

Now, just awaiting my SV06 Plus!


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…and now the same question regarding the SV07. When will we be able to buy print heads for the SV07 (I already managed to rip a nozzle within the hotend and had to buy a replacement :frowning: )

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