According to the gcode file found here, these are the settings documented in the comment lines:
;Filament used: 4.03945m
;Layer height: 0.2
;MAXZ:48.5“global_quality”: [general]
version = 4
name = SV06 #2
definition = SV01[metadata]
type = quality_changes
quality_type = draft
setting_version = 20[values]
acceleration_enabled = True
adhesion_type = skirt
jerk_enabled = True
retraction_combing = off“extruder_quality”: [general]
version = 4
name = SV06 #2
definition = SV01[metadata]
type = quality_changes
quality_type = draft
intent_category = default
position = 0
setting_version = 20[values]
acceleration_travel = 1000
brim_line_count = 6
infill_sparse_density = 10
initial_layer_line_width_factor = 150
jerk_print = 5
material_print_temperature = 185
raft_margin = 3
raft_surface_layers = 1
retract_at_layer_change = True
retraction_amount = 0.5
retraction_hop = 0.4
retraction_hop_enabled = True
retraction_speed = 30
skirt_gap = 0
skirt_line_count = 3
speed_print = 60
speed_travel = 200
speed_wall_0 = 25
speed_wall_x = 30
wall_line_count = 3
wall_line_width_0 = 0.35
zig_zaggify_infill = True